Trainee Arielis Estevez explains her research to a prospective student.
Photo credit: Robin Davies

Trainee Gilbert Loiseau talks about his research with a prospective student.
Photo credit: Robin Davies

Trainer Katrina Forest learns about a current student's research.
Photo credit: Robin Davies

Trainee Rachel Miller talks about her research with a prospective student.
Photo credit: Robin Davies

Science Communication

The primary purpose of the University of Wisconsin–Madison is to provide a learning environment in which faculty, staff and students can discover, examine critically, preserve and transmit the knowledge, wisdom and values that will help ensure the survival of this and future generations and improve the quality of life for all.

The Chemistry–Biology Interface Training Program is dedicated to discovery of knowledge and transmitting that knowledge to the public to improve the quality of life for all. We strongly encourage all of our participants, both faculty and students, to engage in science communication and outreach at UW and beyond.

Here we list opportunities for outreach and for training in science communication. This list will be updated frequently, and will include ongoing opportunities as well as one-time events.

Science Communication

Wisconsin Initiative for Science Literacy (WISL) program in communicating doctoral science to the public

The Department of Life Sciences Communication has a number of options for professional development in science communication, including a Ph.D minor or a transcriptable certificate.


Ongoing opportunities

Adult Role Models in Science (ARMS)

STEM Fellows program Applications open September 15, 2024 for 2025 cohort of fellows.

Science Alliance–a UW community engaged in outreach. Sign up for the email list by sending an email to The weekly emails contain information about current outreach opportunities and community connections.

Schedule of annual campus outreach events

Family Science Nights–to sign up to receive information about events as they are scheduled, fill out a brief form here.


Stephanie Chong-Macias has fun with a student at a family science night.
Stephanie Chong-Macias has fun with a student at a family science night.

Current events

Lapham/Marquette Family Science Night at Marquette Elementary–February 11, 2025, 5:30-8:00 pm. Initiate signup here.

Sugar Creek Elementary Science Night at Sugar Creek Elementary (Verona)–February 11, 2025, 5:00-7:00 pm. Initiate signup here.

Wingra School Art & Science Night at Wingra School–March 7, 2025, 5:00-7:00 pm. Initiate signup here.

Hawthorne Elementary Family Science Night at Hawthorne Elementary–March 11, 2025, 5:00-7:00 pm. Initiate signup here.

Super Science Sunday at Randall Elementary, March 16, 2025, 9:00 pm-12:00 pm. Initiate signup here.

Shorewood Elementary Family Science Night at Shorewood Elementary, April 9, 2025, 4:30-6:30 pm. Initiate signup here.

Muireka Science Fair at John Muir Elementary, April 15, 2025, 5:00-7:00 pm. Initiate signup here.